Each person grieves in their own way and in their own time. You may find some of these ideas to be helpful to you in your grief journey.

Sometimes by helping others, we help ourselves. Consider volunteering at an animal shelter to help other pets and/or making a donation to a local rescue in honor of your pet.

Contact the staff of your pet's favorite park to see if you can sponsor a bench or tree affixed with an acknowledgment plaque memorializing your pet.

Write a letter from your pet to you. What would he/she thank you for? What would be some fond memories for him/her? What signs of affection would he/she remember?

Plant a special flower, tree, or shrub in the yard. Consider making family and friends part of the dedication and planting. Favorite memories can be shared.

Create a bookshelf shrine. Include their collar, favorite toy, etc.

Write a letter to your pet. Include fond memories and their adorable traits.